The Rasivalayas Yantra, unique to the Jaipur Observatory includes 12 instruments designed to directly measure the latitude and longitude of a celestial object. based on the design of the Samrat Yantra, each Rasivalaya instrument corresponds to a specific sign of the zodiac: at the moment a particular sign approaches the meridian, the gnomon points to the pole of the ecliptic and the plane of the quadrants is parallel to the plane of the ecliptic. Each instrument displays a painting on the gnomon depicting the corresponding sign. The paintings are approximately 12” x 15” and are mounted behind glass. Positioned on the inside of the arch that penetrates the gnomon, they can easily be missed!
The photographs in this gallery were taken in December 2001.
The Rasivalayas Yantra at the Jaipur Observatory. Each structure is oriented to the constellation it measures.